wooooo. yeah i'm tired. i've just finshed completing my homework. thank goodness there wasn't any CCA today. if there was, i would have to burn the midnight oil.
had the Athenium today. whatever it's called, some leadership stuff in school.
i didn't take part, duhhhh. it wasn't as grand as i thought it would be.
okay, so school today was epic. or should i say I was epic. yeah i just saw that picture of SeungHo
epic fail aegyo-ing right after i saw SungMin's one.
you'll faint if you see Minnie's one. lol i'm spazzing right now. i have a talent.
wooo i can spazz super junior for 4minutes when i'm halfway just doing my homework.
lols pardon my lousy use of english.
gawsh. i wanna fast tomorrow. and yeaaahhhhh (!) there's cheena tomorrow, and tuition.