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I'm Nuraishah and I'm not from Earth :)
My spazz?

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Friday, July 16, 2010, 4:12 AM

Forever 21. 

okay. i need retail therapy right now. i need those braided headbands. i need that dress. i need that top. and that skirt. and that bangle. and that hat. and everything i can ever dream of. i need to dress up when i go to SuJu's concert!! MAYBE that way, they'll notice me. lol omg mentel much? hahaha yes. i am. so? haha omg okay i have to get over those stuff. i'll just have to save for my SS3 and shopping spree. eventho i didn't save ANYTHING this week, i'll just start saving next week. now on to my life for this horrible past week.

imma skip to thursday :)
me and fathin were on the train on the way to chinese. and so, we saw two american/european blah blah, in short, white/western people. and she is so damn crazy over americans, besides korean guys of coz. soso, i was like, whatev when we boarded the train. but she was like, " STAY HEREEE! " 
then i was like, NOOOO FOLLOW ME TO THE BACK OF THE FREAKING TRAIN. she was obv staring at those two guys, she srzly doesn't kno how to hide her feelings. damn that's plain.. nevermind. so anyways, i dragged her to the back of the train while she was holding her damn chocolate milk in her hand, all spilled. not exactly spilled, just that thingy broke/dislocated and the cover can't be closed. i don't even know if it's the right term i'm using. then i was like, 
" you were obv staring at those two Caucasian guys sitting there. " 
and then she was like " noooooooo "
i didn't believe her but i just wanted to see how hawt they were till she was like... almost hyperventilating? epik to the k. 
two hai sing catholic guys were like amused cannnn. it was like the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened in my fourteen years of this pathetic life.
we were like stopping halfway, arguing, persuading, begging, laughing all rolled up into one. yes i know retarded. this is what happens when you read too many english romance young adult novels.
so i was like checking them out, and the both of them were looking at us like,
" what's up with these two asian girls. "
and i really mean, THEY GAVE US THAT FREAKIN' STARE. 
so yeah i got over it. but fathin didn't. she was laughing like mad all the way. yes, retarded i kno.

i'm done with this day, so now onto friday :) 
nothing much. just that i skipped netball because Liam and Jasmine weren't there. not to the forget the fact that i was being a total byatch throughout the whole day haha.
i was irritated by myself even. totally whatever.
now come to think of it, this freakin' post is kinda bitchy too.

I srzly have to stop reading romance novels - they teach us Asians to be bitchy -.-
Confessions of Serial Kisser is a perfect example.
But awessooommmmeee ^^